Friday, May 22, 2009
Maxton Record!

Mike Goni is one of my good buds. He loves bikes and hot rods but I think he likes bikes more. He went to the Maxton mile where he set a record on a turbo BSA of 127.98 MPH! And he wore my shirt doing it!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
ride to skate!
Today was ride to skate at FDR Park in Philadelphia. My bud Joe put together another good crew of guys to come out and bring their bikes and skateboards and rip it up (or just hang out like me). I had a blast. Some good old school skating was being done and lots of BS sessions with a lot of great guys. Good to see you all. I know a ton of guys had mother's day duties so see you next time. Here's a shot of Scraper Joe in the peanut bowl.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
back to the bars
Here's another set of one off z-bars. I do these to customer's specs. in 7/8" or 1" diameters. I do custom bends too.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Thanks to all service men!
I know it's not Veterans day or Memorial day or anything like that. I was talking to my neighbor last night about guys who served our country. He mentioned that one of my recent customers thanked him for his service. That guy was only the 4th person to ever do so. It really made him happy to hear it. He was in the Navy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I knew this as long as I've known him and apparently I have never said thank you to him for his service. 40+ years and 4 thank yous. That's just horrible. I know sounds trivial to most people but I really feel a debt of gratitude to all those who served in any capacity and at any time in our country's history, war time or peace time.
I think I am reluctant to say thanks sometimes as when I was younger it was post- Vietnam and my parents had friends who were over there. I was always hearing how we shouldn't bring it up as these guys don't want to have to remember the horrors they saw. I think that is why I am a bit slow to say thanks but here it is to all of you who might find this post.
THANK YOU - for your selflessness to go and put yourselves in harms way to protect the freedoms most Americans (and others) take for granted on a daily basis. I am fully aware of the sacrifices you have all made for people you will never know. I am proud of everyone one of you. I wish I was half the man you all are.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Show some backbone
Got this job this week. A CFL frame with a cracked backbone. Someone else welded it back together and told the owner it was slugged and done right. the tube was crooked and over-ground (which you can see in the one pic), and of course had no slug in it. I cut out about a foot of the backbone, put in a nice long slug and replaced with a new DOM backbone. I also replaced that incomplete gusset and support tube too. I cleaned up a few other welds and spots as well. Off to Ryzart for paint.